Various Courses

Over time, I have developed various training courses in line with my books and workshops. All the courses utilise the dynamics of enthusiasm. It is my belief that this is the source of development and positive change. Below you will find the various training courses that I have developed. Feel free to request a brochure, price quotation or a verbal explanation without obligation via the contact form.

Superpromoter Academy

The Superpromoter Academy was founded to spread knowledge about enthusiasm and the Superpromoter concept.

What do you learn?

  • Methods and tools to find, characterise and assist your Superpromoters.
  • What Social Media can do for you and your Superpromoters
  • How to deal with the NPS (Net Promoter Score) and deepening knowledge of this methodology
  • How you can implement the Superpromoter principles in your organisation
  • The latest insights as described in the Enthusiasm Trilogy
  • And much more besides.

The Academy has trained SPCs (Superpromoter Consultants) working at Philips, Microsoft, Dorel, Aegon, ING, SNS, KPN, Rabobank, Sanoma,, HP, Ahold and many other companies.

These SPCs form a network of Superpromoter Consultants, who are trained and facilitated and have their own online community. We offer this training programme to clients commissioning research and also to other external parties (such as consultants, interim staff and marketing & communication bureaus).

The network of Superpromoter Consultants forms the basis for the enthusiasm revolution. They help the organisations they work for to implement the concept and to activate the intrinsic enthusiasm in clients and employees.

In-house Academy

Besides following the regular Superpromoter Academy, it is also possible to have the training provided in-house.


People are born storytellers and storytelling and the dynamics of enthusiasm are inextricably linked. Without enthusiasm a story lacks persuasiveness, and without stories enthusiasm cannot spread. The idea for this course came from interviews with enthusiastic customers and employees. These people had so many beautiful stories to tell. Stories to which little attention had been paid within the companies, up until then. Relating a story is different from posting a message on the intranet. Storytelling only gains value when stories have an impact and are passed on. I then went deeper into the technique of storytelling, from Aristotle to Obama. Combined with new insights from neurology and psychology, I used this knowledge to create a new training course. Participants are provided with tools to become a convincing storyteller and to help colleagues with this. The training is offered as an open or in-house course. In-house training has been given to  the management of Canon Europe, among others. Ruta Jonuseviciute made a cartoon inspired by the Canon training.

Rational and emotional decision-making

Since 2016 I have been teaching ‘Rational and emotional decision making’ to postgraduates at the Hong Kong Polytechnical University. This two-day course is about the influence of errors in human thinking, such as the negativity bias, short-term fixation, self-overestimation and group thinking. These fallacies are also discussed in “Negativity Mania“. We can anticipate and avoid these pitfalls by understanding the biases of human thinking. As a result, we balance ourselves and the organisation better, we perform more effectively and we prevent mistakes and misconduct.

Team flow: Ensure positive dynamics in teams

In the last 20 years, founders of positive psychology such as Martin Seligman, Csikszentmihalyi and Fredrickson have made many discoveries about the dynamics of positivity and flow. They have developed scientifically based theories that have been successfully applied within a wide range of disciplines. This includes psychotherapy, pedagogy and professional sports practice. These insights from positive psychology are also increasingly being applied within companies. Flow is the subject of the second part of the “Enthusiasm Trilogy“. Over the years I have been invited to give Flow workshops and training courses at many different companies. For various banks and insurance companies, for a radio channel and even for the police in Hong Kong.

“Since your workshop on Storytelling, enthusiasm has found a place in our hearts. Your generosity to use your storytelling workshop and pass it on to all our employees is a gift. One of our most valued workshops. For me, enthusiasm is the driving force for real success.”

Gerard Pieterse, Director People Development at Canon EMEA

Digital Well-Being explained in 3 minutes

Digital well-being strongly affects our health, productivity, enthusiasm, and job satisfaction. In this video, I explain what digital well-being is, why it’s important, and what you can do to improve it.

Inhouse Superpromoter Academy

Video of an Inhouse Superpromoter Academy training

Dynamics of Enthusiasm

Summary and step-by-step plan.